I dreamt about an expressively angry Kim. This is a Kim in RL that I do not know. She gets angry allright but not expressively so. In my dream she was in a bedroom, shouting and yelling things at her husband, who was outside the bedroom with James and I. As soon as she walked out of the bedroom, still shouting and saw James she stopped in her tracks and stopped yelling.
I also dreamt that I found Kassie dead on the floor and was trying to get Myron to deal with it, while trying not to let James know about it. (this may have been triggered by watching survivor late at night where they showed that on the next episodes one crazy guy takes baby birds out of their nest. I don't think I can watch that next episode)
I also dreamt that I found Kassie dead on the floor and was trying to get Myron to deal with it, while trying not to let James know about it. (this may have been triggered by watching survivor late at night where they showed that on the next episodes one crazy guy takes baby birds out of their nest. I don't think I can watch that next episode)
At Monday, October 02, 2006 12:27:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
After reading about Kim screaming, but then stopping once she saw James, it made me think about maybe you have had a situation where you've been extremely angry with someone. Maybe someone really made you mad, but you never said anything to their face. Instead, when they weren't in your presence you would basically scream at them for what they did, but once you got to their face you held it in. Do you not like telling people how you feel?
At Monday, October 02, 2006 12:55:00 PM,
Aphra said…
Thanks for your comments Steph. It is very true that I do not at all like telling people how I feel.
In the dream I seem to be protecting James. Maybe I am protecting him from my feelings.
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