What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I seem to think I have a big car, but really I have quite a small one. I keep wanting to ask people if they want me to drive them but they don't really fit in my car so why should I ask?

I want to have a get together with Pam B., I go over to her house to arrange a time. She's nursing a baby and can't reach her calender. I try to help her as does one of her daughters. I tell her I'm free any day 8-5 as I'm off in August (I'm not! Why am I telling her this?) I think we pick a time soon, like the same day or the next day. I offer to drive her in my car, but think I end up using her car. And after I tell her that something bad happened to her car. It may have been my fault or a daughters' fault or both of our faults. Pam was worried at first but when she realized it was just a dent, not the motor or anything she was not worried at all.

After that, I am back in my car, trying to pick up more people. I was going to put the 2 James' (one looked like his one of his best friends at daycare- Lucas) in the back but when I looked in the back, there were the 2 carseats and Nick was lolling in one of the carseats. There was no other room in the back with the 2 carseats back there. I was trying to figure out where I could put Nick to drive him home as all my seats would be full after my next stop.

James also had a dream last night about Gavin being at the daycare and making funny woop-woop noises on the cars.

So we were both dreaming of cars to some degree!


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