What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Aug 5

I was unpacking my stuff and Bob And Carolyn were unpacking their stuff into the same hallway. We had to rearrange some stuff/walls to make more space. I was moving lots of lamps. My stuff and B&C's stuff were getting mixed together but we knew whose was what. One of my lamps fell over.

Sasquatch fight
The top sasquatch had to decide if he wanted to play 2 fights or one (he had qualified for the gold medal game but could choose to first fight someone else- maybe for a guarantee of 3rd place- though if he was in the gold medal game, wouldn't that guarantee 2nd place? ah well, it's a dream) He chose to fight the extra fight (of someone who should be beneath him) There was a big ring and the 2 sasquatches came from different directions to enter the ring (one came down the stairs). It was just me as the referee and them, no crowd. Maybe everyone was scared? I was making circles with my arms. They were both wearing ipod like things during the fight. one of the earpieces fell out during the fight and i had to stick it back in.

Bob and Carolyn had transformed a building to live in and have church in. Then they decided they were going to sell it, so they transformed it back because they wanted to keep the pieces they had added, so you can't let potential buyers see the good stuff, or they will want it.
There was a little plane that ran into the roof of a house/building and knocked some roof tiles off, but didn't really damage the roof. The plane was still on the roof and the blonde girl flying it got out of the plane and checked the damage and then got back in the plane and flew away.
There was also a car accident. I think B. (boss at work) was driving me around.
Then back to the B&C building- some cover was removed and we could see there were black bricks at the foundation. We had to do something about it.


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