What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Al had this giant ware house that he had converted into a warehouse store that sold new items at reduced prices. I seem to have spent my time looking at outerwear. Coats and the like. I looked at a spiderman coat or something like that for James. But it was 24.99 or something and I only wanted to pay 16.99.
I went away and then came back and was looking at other coats. Some were nice and priced about $100. I didn't mind paying a price for good things. But James' size wasn't there. There were lots of 3s and 5s but not 4s (in RL he is 4 yo but wears 5 or 6!) so I didn't but anything. THe spiderman coat has gone up to 123.99 because it was now a collectors item. It wasn't the right size either. By the coats there was a make your own Coke stand. At first I couldn't tell what you had to do because the previous people who used the stand had not cleaned it up. But then I saw there were these little white bags that you could pour into your glass, then add water, then stir. I didn't make any because I didn't want to be up all night.

I was at a supermarket with my mother. We each had a cart of groceries. We were at the check out. My mother was throwing the groceries on the checkout desk. The lady was telling her not to. I don't think it stopped her. I was piling mine neatly in a very organized pile. My clerk was called Judy. She checked my stuff out, then she went back inthe store room. I called after her 'Thank you Judy' She soon returned and she herself was covered with sale stickers, or she covered me with them, I can't remember which.

Then I went to this lodge, which had lots of rooms for people to stay at but noone was there at the time. I was trying to do something and was walking outside to sit in the shade. But I needed a string and there was a loose one in my shorts and I pulled and pulled and got the string, but when I sat down, it was a bit airy! I think I was falling apart at this point in my dream maybe mentally or emotionally. It wasn't just my shorts!


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