What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Friday, May 16, 2008


I haven't had a chance to post yesterday's dream yet, but last night's was so interesting, I'm posting it quickly:

I was at a funeral. It was upstairs from a playtrium like place. It was an open casket. I did not know the man. He was Italian-looking, old and had big bags around his eyes. We were all walking in a line around the room. I did not want to look at the casket. There was a woman in a beige skirt and I 'saw' her pray for the man to live (ie. it wasn't anything physical she did, I just saw the prayer ascend). I knew the prayer was going to be answered. The line continued. I saw the man in the casket twitch, like doing an abdominal crunch. People were not concerned. They said it was a post-mortem thing. That is was just gas. The line continued. Then the man got out of the casket and walked around. I went up to the woman in the beige skirt and told her God had answered her prayer because He wanted to show what He was doing in the Roman Catholic Church.

God answers prayer in His season for His purpose.


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