What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

UPS methods

We were on holiday with a cabin and there were a number of paths to get there. There was one path that I naturally took on my own. But that was not the same path that I took with other people. Though on the other path, I was still a leader as I knew where I was going, even though it was not my 'natural' path.

I was walking around (maybe in a different city) and I saw the UPS truck at a number of locations. I saw how he had a mechanical device that would life the packages for him. I was about to go into a hotel when I saw the UPS truck stop and it's back door open. As I walked around the back I could see all the boxes. I wondered how he knew which box to take. As I was thinking that one of the shelves tipped and I caught the supplies in my arms. There must be the supplies for the hotel I thought and carried them in. When I walked in the main door, I could not see the office. I knew I had been there before. I looked down the hallway to the left of the door to go downstairs and only saw a little food bar. So I went down the stairs. As I came through the door to the room, their phone rang. It was UPS with a phone confirmation of the order. (I think automated) They said that it was Ryan calling about the UPS order. They hadn't paid attention to me at that time. I said that I think I had what Ryan was calling about. They looked a bit surprised! But they authenticated to Ryan that they had received the supplies.


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