What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Kristin (from BC) was driving us somewhere. Telling us about her brother who has maxed out a gold card at $200,000 and was now in hiding. She parked in a parking lot but the tires were up on a parking barrier. The car came down with a bump after I got out. I walked in front of the car, kinda worried that I would be hit, but I was ok. James and I went to cross the highway. The cars went very fast on this road. When we crossed, we couldn't see anything but we still hurried because they would come up so fast. When we got across the road there were a number of houses there and I didn't know which one we were looking for. Kristin had the address, but she hadn't crossed the street yet. So we were just walking. One house had this barbie hanging on the door, with beautifully croched clothing hanging beside her in green and white. James reached out and touched it. About the same time the door opened and it was where we had been going. We went in and sat down. I went to take off my coat but I realized it was too cold and kept it on.

There was also this clothing store, maybe owned by don cherry, and we were rearranging it. Some people didn't have faith in it, but we were reorganizing the racks. The colours were so bright.


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