What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

voting on the board

 One part of this dream was that there was some sort of orientation event for the students and one part was the board meeting vote. I was running around the whole dream, making food, preparing costumes, trying to get everyone what they needed. I told them to go ahead with the vote without me.

In no particular order.

Sandi Z. was pregnant. The board vote was upcoming but we were both so busy were we going to make it. I told them to go ahead without me.

For the orientation event, they were used to running it a certain way and we had to change something. The leaders were doing well and keeping things on track. I was trying to keep up with what they were doing while managing the board and a lady who came over to pick up some parts and left with hockey sticks and materials. Ashwin was killed during one of the events.

I was delivering these breakfast bars that I had cooked on a skillet trying to get them to the right people and the leftovers handed out. They had both eggs and chocolate chips in them.


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