What dreams may come

A blog to keep track of my dreams and hear the interesting interpretations of others. The dreams are as much as I can recall of them and may be out of order and in rather rough format.

Friday, November 13, 2020


 Dreamt that I was at Rustle but it was much bigger with many people that I didn't know. It was hard to get around the building as there were people and things blocking the way. The lectern was in the middle of an aisle with lots of mikes on it, so I had to go over the chairs to get around it.

The people were wanting information. One was about the epic picnic. Better to have been the epic Jesus. They were keen on the flyers for the picnic which had for some reason been put in a high cupboard. I had the key but I needed a ladder to reach it.

The ladder had lots of books on it and I had to take them off first. The colourful books were up near the top. At the bottom were a stack of booklets about Brooke that were selling for $30.28. The first few pages were about Brooke but the rest of the booklet was about how the rest of the family coped.

Myron and James needed a circumcision and had plans for the recovery.

Outside  Rustle there was a new person in the neighbourhood and their car was being broken into in broad daylight. They broke one of the windows. But the car was right out in front of the house so he saw them. And others in the neighbourhood saw them. I stood watching waiting for the police as a witness. Chris B was there as well and was not surprised. Said they should give out coupons with the new windows.


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